Decision Makers

Can Collaboration Work?

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers, Listening, Relationship Manager

We enter into collaborations assuming we’ll succeed as teamwork partners. Yet we rarely achieve true partnership: Because we listen uniquely and through biased filters we sometimes mistakenly presume intent or misconstrue what’s been said and agreed upon. Problem: Flawed assumptions, wasted time and relationship capital, and restricted scope. There is often not enough diversity to […]

Get the Yes: Winning Funding, RFPs, and Grants

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers, Uncategorized, Value Proposition

When we seek funding or respond to an RFP, our proposals meet the criteria requested, presenting well-positioned information to persuade the decision makers to choose us. But winners are chosen by some mysterious set of criteria not only unknown to us, but often unknown to them. I began thinking about this when a friend told […]

The Historic Problems with Change Management Models: bias, resistance, and push. (Part 3)

– Posted in: Decision Makers, Sales Training, Uncategorized

Historically, we have approached change through information sharing and leadership, assuming with a good leader who is able to explain and offer rational and compelling information, changees will be eager and willing to change – and will know how to process and make use of the information. But given the resistance we get, we know […]

What Is change And Why Is It So Difficult? (Part 2)

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers, Sales Training

Change is not the problem – we like doing new and different things. What we don’t like is the disruption change causes. And usually, we attempt to create change by pushing new information – new activities, new ideas, new rationale – into what’s already there and hoping the reasoning behind the change request will carry […]

Decision Makers vs. Influencers

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers

I’ve heard there are 5.7 decision makers for each sale, and ‘unknown’ influencers. Yet there is no difference between ‘decision makers’ and ‘influencers’. If you want to move and your daughter is in her last year of high school, is she a decision maker or an influencer? If your tech group isn’t available to implement […]