Webinar, Assessments, Coaching

For those teams who wish to enhance their listening skills for clients, meetings, collaboration.

The cost of mishearing, misunderstanding, and misrepresenting what’s being said is high – and unnecessary. Sharon Drew Morgen can work with you team to enhance your listening skills to avoid any restriction of ideas, relationships, client and new-hire acquisition, data gathering, and implementations.

What: A customized program to:

  • Assess current listening patterns and uncover bias, assumptions, triggers;
  • Notice and correct any communication patterns to enable accurate listening;
  • Introduce new material on how to hear others accurately and recognize when miscommunications are occurring as they occur.

For whom: Teams requiring accurate communication among themselves for enhanced creativity and understanding, or in the following areas:

  • Sales;
  • Coaching, management, leadership, supervision;
  • Decision Scientists;
  • Negotiating.

Why: Enhance listening skills to enable real communication and avoid restricting

  • Ideas, innovation, & creativity;
  • Relationships;
  • Client acquisition;
  • Data gathering;
  • Implementations.

How: Multi channel learning modules including:

  • Customized webinar led by Sharon Drew to discuss principles and fundamentals of managing the gap between what’s said and what’s heard;
    • Customized lecture as per initial conversation to discuss goals and issues;
    • Q&A.
  • Assessments and Study Guides for group learning
  • Customized group coaching session led by Sharon Drew:
  • Offers skills as per group and individual needs;
  • Q&A;
  • Follow on instructions for continued team development.

To discuss your specific needs and determine if this program is right for your group, contact Sharon Drew: or 512 771 1117. To view samples of the Assessments and Study Guide, go to