Buying Facilitation® Coaching
Are you closing all of the sales you deserve to close? Helping buyers make the decisions necessary to use you to support their excellence – in the appropriate time frame? Why not?
Sales folks take coaching with me to help them understand what their buyers are going through: why it’s taking so long, what they need to manage internally, getting the right people onto the Buying Decision Teams. They also work with me to overcome issues they face on the route to success.
During group or individual coaching, we can
- develop the correct Facilitative Questions for you to use to help buyers speed up or influence their decision issues;
- influence the timing of the sales cycle;.
- discover what’s not working or creating a stall, who’s not included in the Buying Decision Team who must be assembled;
- help you prospect efficiently or make cold calls, to find the right clients;
- figure out how to facilitate the specific buyer’s buying decision process during presentations.
- do team coaching to figure out how to facilitate decisions during your presentation time.
As you decide if coaching with me would enhance your success, ask yourself:
What is stopping you from closing all the sales you deserve to close?
Do you know how your buyers are making their buying decisions and where you fit into the process?
Do you know how to get onto the buying decision team… on the first call?
How can you determine which prospects should be let go and which ones will close on the first call?
Coaching with Sharon Drew will enable you to enter all calls to facilitate the Pre-Sales decision/change management issues buyers go through. She can help you with
- call reluctance
- facilitative cold calling techniques
- group sales/consulting
- understanding how your buyers buy
- removing stalls, non/delayed decisions
- differentiating yourself from the competition
- raising funds from investors.
If the above questions lead you to consider coaching with Sharon Drew, you can contact her with questions to see if her style and your needs are a fit. sharondrew@sharondrewmorgen.
For individuals: one coaching session includes a 10 minute chat to ascertain outcomes and define possibilities; a customized homework/self study assignment to be done prior to the coaching hour; an hour phone conversation.
For a series of 6 sessions: Each coaching session includes a 10 minute chat to ascertain outcomes and define possibilities; a customized homework/self study assignment to be done prior to the coaching hour; an hour phone conversation.
For a single group/team session of any number of participants: Each coaching session includes a 10 minute chat with the group leader to ascertain outcomes and define possibilities; a customized homework/self study assignment to be done by each team member prior to the coaching hour; an hour phone conversation.
For six group/team session of any number of participants, including a discount for buying a series: Each coaching session includes a 10 minute chat with the group leader to ascertain outcomes and define possibilities; a customized homework/self study assignment to be done by each team member prior to the coaching hour; an hour phone conversation.
Call, and we will figure out if coaching with me will help you close the sales you want to close. You should be able to begin closing sales and shortening the sales cycle dramatically after just one call. Contact Sharon Drew