What does your keynote speaker need from you?

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You’ve chosen your keynote speaker. Now it’s time to make sure everything is on track for you to get the speech you deserve. As the client, you are responsible for all of the physical elements of the experience; the speaker is responsible for the content, to make sure your audience takes away what you want them to gain from the time together. Obviously both are necessary. Let’s discuss your end.

Your speaker will need:

  1. A signed contract at the time of agreement, sometimes a year before the actual talk. This will include all of the payment details, the travel agreements, the materials to be used and sent, and the stage and AV set-up requirements. It should also contain the delivery expectations – a paragraph about the topic and agreed-upon areas of focus.
  2. A month before the engagement, connect with the speaker and:
    1. confirm all of the above;
    2. arrange travel details – ticket purchase, pickup arrangements, hotel arrangements, etc.;
    3. get the power points emailed;
    4. arrange to receive the books or materials the speaker will use or sell;
    5. confirm room/audience seating arrangements, type of mic, equipment for the stage;
    6. decide on introduction;
    7. arrange marketing and publicity interviews and details;
    8. agree on social media responsibilities.
    9. A week prior to engagement:
      1. a phone call to confirm all, especially travel and pickup arrangements;
      2. confirmation of receipt of the power points; confirm they have been tested on your computers;
      3. confirm travel arrangements including name and telephone number of the person who will be picking them up;
      4. acknowledgment of receipt of books or materials
      5. one last discussion of the topic and content needs of the client.

There are many moving parts to the arrangements between clients and speakers. The more you can agree on and confirm, the best chance there is for a successful keynote.

Call me if you want me to speak at your next conference. My focus is on helping sales professionals speed up and enhance their close ratios by addressing the oft-ignored buy path with my Buying Facilitation® model. I also speak on communicating without assumptions or bias. www.buyingfacilitation.com I look forward to serving you.

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