Buying Facilitation

Can Collaboration Work?

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers, Listening, Relationship Manager

We enter into collaborations assuming we’ll succeed as teamwork partners. Yet we rarely achieve true partnership: Because we listen uniquely and through biased filters we sometimes mistakenly presume intent or misconstrue what’s been said and agreed upon. Problem: Flawed assumptions, wasted time and relationship capital, and restricted scope. There is often not enough diversity to […]

Get the Yes: Winning Funding, RFPs, and Grants

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Decision Makers, Uncategorized, Value Proposition

When we seek funding or respond to an RFP, our proposals meet the criteria requested, presenting well-positioned information to persuade the decision makers to choose us. But winners are chosen by some mysterious set of criteria not only unknown to us, but often unknown to them. I began thinking about this when a friend told […]

Content Marketing that Converts

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Listening

“Content is king”. I’ve heard that phrase for years. But what does it mean? Does it mean that by offering thought-provoking, useful, creative information buyers will be motivated to contact you at the right time along their complete (including pre-sales) decision path? By sending out veiled advertising in the form of ‘articles’ to random email […]


– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, Sales Training

Until now, we have approached change by starting with a specific goal and implementation plan and seeking buy-in to move forward successfully. While we take meticulous steps to bring aboard the right people, have numerous meetings to discuss and manage any change or disruption possibilities, our efforts are basically top-down and outside-in and end up […]

Why is buy-in necessary – and how to achieve it (Part 5)

– Posted in: Buying Facilitation, How Buyers Buy, Sales Training

Our jobs as sellers, change agents, coaches, and managers is to motivate change. Whether it involves a purchase, a new idea, a different set of behaviors, or a team project, all successful change requires buy-in. As outsiders we are, after all, requiring a shift in the underlying status quo – the system – that we […]