Make a difference as a relationship manager

– Posted in: Relationship Manager

Do you call yourself a relationship manager because you want to avoid the term ‘salesperson’? Do you think the terms are interchangeable? You can actually use the term ‘relationship manager’ to differentiate yourself from your competition and make it your value proposition.

Instead of doing what everyone else is doing – being kind, caring, responsible, and knowledgeable in relation to your solution – add another dimension: why not add the capability of facilitating the buyer’s journey.

A buying decision is a 13 step process, starting with an idea, through to assembling the Buying Decision Team and eventually leading to a decision to make a change that leads to a purchase. Although no one explains this, selling and a solution purchase only happens when buyers are ready to seek an external solution – so they might use a department head to speak at a conference instead of hiring a keynote speaker, or use some existing software rather than buy new software. Regardless of what a seller believes is a need, no sale will take place until or unless the buyer’s Buying Decision Team buys-in to the notion of bringing in an external resource.

Instead of merely focusing on your solution which is the last thing buyers need, start by facilitating a buyer’s journey through their decision making process. This will enable you to understand first-hand if this person or group is ready, willing, and able to change, and be there when they recognize it’s time to buy. You won’t have competition as you’ll be right there with them; you will have differentiated yourself from others just understanding need or making pitches; you will have gained their trust as an important resource.

Become a relationship manager who truly serves and make that your value proposition.


Have Sharon Drew speak on facilitating buying decisions at your next conference. Learn about her topics and see her in action on
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